Marketing Ideas

Target Audience(s):
  • High school and college students with an interest in biology and medicine.
  • General science fiction readers fatigued with space and computers.
  • Young adults with A.D.H.D., and the parents who had to raise them.
  • Educators who want to teach students countless principles of science in the guise of entertainment.
  • Medical students suffering through their years of basic science.
Expansion Products:
  • Film - The visual nature of this story lends itself easily to film, either movie or T.V.
  • Toys and Blueprints - of the ships and base stations.  Future sequels will have additional ship designs, guns and machines.
  • Companion Board Game - in the fashion of trivial pursuit.  One set of questions will be meant for the general public.  A booster set of questions designed as a study aid for the medical licensing exams also available.  Study aids for the MLE's are a multi-million dollar business, playing on student fears of catastrophic professional demise if they fail these tests.  On the market today are books, flashcards, computer programs, outlines and many others.  However, let me assure you, none of them made exam preparation fun.  Our game will do just that.
  • Video Game - similar to the board game.  One version for general teens, one meant for USMLE study.  Again, the visual and dramatic nature of the story - coupled with increasingly sophisticated graphical representations of biological processes - would provide an exciting and engaging computer game via X-box, on-line, etc.  There are thousands of electronic games today - none similar to one based on the Micro Project story.